What Are Slow Juicers

Juicing has cemented itself amongst healthy living enthusiasts, constantly seeking the freshest, most nutritious concoctions. Amidst the wide array of juicers available, the slow juicer has established itself as a phenomenal method for extracting all the beneficial, health-boosting nutritional goodness packed into fruit and vegetables. Let’s explore what makes these devices stand out, how they operate, and why they are praised amongst health enthusiasts.

What Are Slow Juicers?


Juicing has cemented itself amongst healthy living enthusiasts, constantly seeking the freshest, most nutritious concoctions. Amidst the wide array of juicers available, the slow juicer has established itself as a phenomenal method for extracting all the beneficial, health-boosting nutritional goodness packed into fruit and vegetables. Let’s explore what makes these devices stand out, how they operate, and why they are praised amongst health enthusiasts. 

What Is A Slow Juicer?

A slow juicer, also known as a masticating or cold-press juicer, is a type of juicing machine designed to extract juice from fruits and vegetables in a gentle, methodical manner for a smoother finish and higher juice yield. Unlike traditional centrifugal juicers, which use high-speed spinning blades to pulverise ingredients, slow juicers operate at a much lower speed, minimising heat and oxidation during the juicing process.

How Does It Work?

At the heart of slow juicers lay a rotating auger or gear that slowly crushes and squeezes ingredients against a screen or mesh, extracting the juice while retaining maximum nutrients and minimising foam and froth. This method ensures that enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients remain intact, delivering a fresher, more vibrant juice compared to traditional centrifugal counterparts.

What Is It Good At?

Preserving Nutrients:

The gentle squeezing action of slow juicers minimises heat buildup, which can degrade sensitive nutrients like enzymes and vitamins. As a result, the juice retains higher levels of nutritional value, offering a more potent dose of health benefits.

Higher Juice Yield:

Slow juicers excel at extracting juice from leafy greens, wheatgrass, and soft fruits, yielding more juice per ingredient. This efficiency not only saves money in the long run but also ensures that no precious drop of nutrient-full goodness goes to waste.

Longer Shelf Life:

Due to reduced oxidation, juices produced by slow juicers have a longer shelf life compared to those made with centrifugal juicers. This means that you can prepare larger batches of juice and store them for later consumption without sacrificing quality or freshness.


Slow juicers are not just limited to fruits and vegetables; many models can also process nuts, and soybeans, and can even make nut milks and sorbets. This versatility expands your culinary repertoire, allowing you to experiment with a variety of wholesome creations. 

Quieter Operation:

Unlike the noisy whirring typical of centrifugal juicers, slow juicers operate with a quiet hum, making them great for early morning or late-night juicing sessions without disturbing the peace. 

A slow juicer isn’t just a kitchen appliance, but a gateway into a healthier lifestyle, offering a convenient and effective means of incorporating vital nutrients into your diet. Whether you’re a health enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of juicing, investing in a slow juicer can be a great step towards revitalising your health and well-being.

Slow juicers come in various designs, each offering unique features and functionalities tailored to different preferences and needs. Below are the main types of slow juicers:

Horizontal Slow Juicers

These juicers sport a horizontal design, with the auger positioned horizontally within the juicing chamber. Horizontal slow juicers are known for their versatility and ability to handle a wide range of ingredients, including leafy greens, fruits, and nuts. They typically come with additional attachments for extracting oil, making pasta, nut butter, and sorbets.

Vertical Slow Juicers

These feature sleek, upright designs, with the auger positioned vertically. This design takes up less countertop space compared to horizontal models, making them a popular choice for kitchens with limited space. Vertical slow juicers are efficient at juicing fruits and vegetables and are generally easier to clean due to their streamlined construction.

Twin-Gear (Triturating) Slow Juicers

Twin-gear juicers utilise two interlocking gears or augers to crush and squeeze ingredients, offering maximum extraction efficiency. These juicers are renowned for their ability to handle tough produce like carrots and celery, as well as producing exceptionally high-quality juice with minimal oxidation. While twin-gear juicers tend to be bulkier and more expensive, they are favoured by serious juicing enthusiasts for their superior performance. View some twin-gear juicers on Juicers.co.uk:


By understanding the different types of slow juicers available, you can select one that best aligns with your juicing needs, kitchen space, and budget. Whether you opt for a horizontal, vertical, or twin-gear, investing in a slow juicer promises to elevate your juicing experience and contribute to your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle.